Python 实现 FTP 上传、下载文件
- Python
- 2016-04-18
- 165热度
- 0评论
Python 中,可以使用 ftplib 模块的 FTP 对象来实现 FTP 客户端功能。API 的主要用法如下:
# 例:FTP编程 from ftplib import FTP ftp = FTP() timeout = 30 port = 21 ftp.connect('',port,timeout) # 连接FTP服务器 ftp.login('UserName','888888') # 登录 print ftp.getwelcome() # 获得欢迎信息 ftp.cwd('file/test') # 设置FTP路径 list = ftp.nlst() # 获得目录列表 for name in list: print(name) # 打印文件名字 path = 'd:/data/' + name # 文件保存路径 f = open(path,'wb') # 打开要保存文件 filename = 'RETR ' + name # 保存FTP文件 ftp.retrbinary(filename,f.write) # 保存FTP上的文件 ftp.delete(name) # 删除FTP文件 ftp.storbinary('STOR '+filename, open(path, 'rb')) # 上传FTP文件 ftp.quit() # 退出FTP服务器
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import os import ftplib import socket # 上传指定文件到 ftp 服务器 def uploadFile(dir_ftp, filename_ftp, filepath_local, host, port, username, password): """ 参数说明: * dir_ftp: 在 ftp 服务器上存储文件的路径; * filename_ftp: 存储到 ftp 服务器上的文件名; * filepath_local: 需要上传的本地源文件路径; * host: ftp 服务器地址(ip/域名); * port: ftp 服务器端口号,一般是 21; * username、password: 登陆 ftp 服务器时的用户名和密码。 """ if not os.path.exists(filepath_local): print '找不到指定的源文件,请检查路径配置。' return False # connect try: f = ftplib.FTP() f.connect(host=host, port=port) except (socket.error, socket.gaierror), e: print '----ERROR:cannot reach ' + host print e return False # login try: f.login(user=username, passwd=password) except ftplib.error_perm, e: print '----ERROR:cannot login to server ' + host print e f.quit() return False print '****Logged in as ' + username + ' to server ' +host # change folder try: f.cwd(dir_ftp) except ftplib.error_perm, e: print '----ERROR:cannot CD to %s on %s' % (dir_ftp, host) print e f.quit() return False print '**** changed to %s folder on %s' % (dir_ftp, host) # upload file try: f.storbinary('STOR ' + filename_ftp, open(filepath_local, 'rb')) except ftplib.error_perm, e: print '----ERROR:cannot write %s on %s' % (filename_ftp, host) print e return False else: print '****Uploaded '+ filepath_local +' to '+ host +' as '\ + os.path.join(dir_ftp, filename_ftp) f.quit() return True # 登陆 ftp 服务器下载文件(保存到当前目录) def getServerFile(dir_ftp, filename, host, port, username, password): """ 参数说明: * dir_ftp: 目标文件在 ftp 服务器上路径; * filename: 目标文件名; * host: ftp 服务器地址(ip/域名); * port: ftp 服务器端口号,一般是 21; * username、password: 登陆 ftp 服务器时的用户名和密码。 """ if os.path.exists(filename): print '****the file '+ filename +' has already exist! The file will be over writed' # connect try: f = ftplib.FTP() f.connect(host=host, port=port) except (socket.error, socket.gaierror), e: print '----ERROR:cannot reach ' + host print e return False # login try: f.login(user=username, passwd=password) except ftplib.error_perm, e: print '----ERROR:cannot login to server ' + host print e f.quit() return False print '****Logged in as ' + username + ' to server ' +host # change folder try: f.cwd(dir_ftp) except ftplib.error_perm, e: print '----ERROR:cannot CD to %s on %s' % (dir_ftp, host) print e f.quit() return False print '**** changed to %s folder on %s' % (dir_ftp, host) # get file try: f.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, open(filename, 'wb').write) except ftplib.error_perm, e: print '----ERROR:cannot read file %s on %s' % (filename, host) print e os.unlink(filename) return False else: print '****Downloaded '+ filename +' from '+ host +' to ' + os.getcwd() f.quit() return True if __name__ == "__main__": # 下载 getServerFile("/ftptest", "words.txt", "", 21, "zhangsan", "iloveu") # 上传 uploadFile("/ftptest", "upload_demo.txt", "words.txt", "", 21, "zhangsan", "iloveu") print '****done'